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Thursday, May 24, 2012

At Home Facial Scrub - tricks for glowing healthy skin!

Hello Sugar Addicts!

Recently I have been buried in facial scrubs! Yes I’m talking scrubs specifically for the face!  

My obsession with facial scrubs began in the early 2000’s when working as a makeup artist on the set of an independent film “The State of Grace.” One of the main characters was gorgeous and I was shocked to find out she had a daughter only a few years younger than me! Wow! I had to ask “what is your secret??? What are you using on your skin?” (I could tell it wasn’t plastic surgery the beauty and youth she possessed was very natural). She leaned in and whispered “I use a facial scrub everyday”… Whhhhaaaat!?!? Everyday??? All my training had stated that scrubs may be too harsh to use every day.  Well being the naturally inquisitive person that I am I had to investigate…

Did you know that when you were younger your skin automatically shed dead layers of skin; well as you age you lose the ability to do this, and thus causing - you guessed it- wrinkles.  Using a mild exfoliant daily (key word mild) will help assist the skin in continuing this process; hence the reason Mrs. Grace looked so beautiful and had aged so gracefully. I would recommend using every other day, as needed.
Per the overwhelming request we’ve had to extend our product line to the face I am currently prototyping different formulations (all natural and cruelty free of course).  Since using my Beta blend (Be Passionate mango coconut anti-aging) I have gotten so many compliments on my skin, the texture, the glow, the feel… I’m loving it! I now dust on a bronzer and go. Look for our new facial line coming soon! Until then, try these quick home remedies to get you on the track to beautiful glowing skin!

Quick fix add baking soda to a cream cleanser that you are already using  and wha-la! you have added an exfoliant to your cleanser. Baking soda is a natural cleanser that aids in cleansing the skin and gently removes dead skin cells.   You can also use only the baking soda and mix with water to make a nice cleansing paste
Take a moment and try this 3-in-1 Oatmeal Scrub! It Smoothes, tones, and hydrates! You will love it and your skin will thank you!
1 Tbsp. ground oatmeal (use steel cut oats, not instant)
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. yogurt

Combine all ingredients and apply to the face in a circular motion… Enjoy!

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